Risky repetition

Twitter Just didn’t happened to me,

Nor is Instagram just happening…

There’s a deep fear of repetition,

As the poems never came so easily…

I sense the same changes around,

But Monsoon it was then and now it’s winter …

Risky it is, but worth a shot,

Because the moments, so magical that I’d love to stay there…..Forever!!

18 thoughts on “Risky repetition

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      1. I write short stories, indeed. Posted them in this blog and also commercial publishers. Sometimes I write motivational writings (mostly about social behavior and Islam related), at least in my facebook. And, alhamdulillah, people appreciated it.
        How about you, my friend?


      2. That’s awesome, obviously people have to appreciate good stuffs.

        And Dear friend in my case, I’ve been procrastinating since long to write, and now since I’ve started again I want to keep scribbling here daily… 🙂


      3. That would be awesome! I’ll be your faithful reader, inshaa Allah.

        I love to learn people’s way of thinking. Every individual is unique. There are typical, but still, all is unique. And among all, my favorite one is the “weird people” 🤭

        Keep writing. It might safe people’s life. 😘

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Oops.. Hit the send button before I finish…

    I mean, if you ever heard a song can save someone from suicide, or that it changed us to the level that we will do better in life, so can writings.

    Plus, I believe in kindness. If we are kind in our writing, we will be able to reach readers’ hearts and motivate them to do and be the best version of themselves

    Liked by 1 person

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